Tuesday, September 30, 2014

yoga for weight loss

does yoga help you lose weight?

 By practicing the right yoga style & poses, you will start to burn body fat. You will also see an improvement in your fitness level as well. In the event you are keen to tone specific area of your body, you can do that with specific poses as you are about to discover soon.

So which yoga style is nice for weight loss? Vinyasa Yoga (Flow Yoga) is the best. This yoga style involves synchronizing movements with breaths. & within flow yoga, Ashtanga is the most effective yoga style for weight loss. It is physically demanding & within weeks, you can expect to lose fat, create muscles & improve your fitness.

yoga for weight loss

The other advantages of doing yoga regularly are that it improves self-awareness & discipline. This enables you to be aware of the habitual behaviors that bring about weight gain so that you can replace them with healthy ones. With a discipline mind, you are not likely to give in to the temptation of junk food or overeat. In lieu, you will focus on healthy living with the right diets & exercises.

Since you are keen to know does yoga help you lose weight, you will need to know the beneficial poses for getting rid of the additional pounds. Irrespective of doing yoga at home or in the studio, here are three of the best yoga poses for weight loss.

Sun Salutation


This is of the best yoga workouts for weight loss as well as a common pose among different styles. Most yoga sessions start with sun salutation as it warms you up, increases flexibility & prepares you for the later poses. doing sun salutation makes use of up lots of calories, warms the body & burns fat.

As you can basically find lots of information on this pose online, I'll only provide the steps briefly to give you an idea.

Each cycle of sun salutation comprises of 24 poses with the length of each inhalation or exhalation dictating the transition time between the poses. For beginner, it is wise to do a couple of minutes of breathing exercises before practicing sun salutation as this can improve the coordination between breaths & movements.

yoga for weight loss

Bow Pose

Stand in mountain pose on the mat. On the next inhalation, raise both arms overhead till they are by the side of the ears. Exhale & bend forward with head to the knees. Next, you will transit in to the lung pose, plank pose, & finally the stick pose. Move in to the upward dog pose, & then the downward dog before changing to the lunge pose again. At the next exhalation, bring your head to the knees again. Inhale & extend your arms over your head till they are by the side of the ears. Finally, move back to the mountain pose. Repeat the steps with the other leg to complete one cycle of sun salutation.

How does yoga help you lose weight with a static pose like this? Don't be deceived in to thinking that a pose without vigorous movement is useless for our purpose. You will discover that as you lie on your stomach & arc backward holding your ankles together with your hands, you body starts to generate lots of heat & burn body fat in the technique.


Use a mat & lie on your stomach. As you exhale, bend your knees, reach back together with your hands & hold your ankles. With every inhalation, lifts the heels away from the buttocks a tiny more. Your upper torso & head ought to lift off the mat.

yoga for weight loss


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